Duin Cotxeres Borbó Regulations - DUIN

Duin Cotxeres Borbó Regulations

Center regulations


The CEM COTXERES DE BORBO is a sports facility of 8,000 m2, owned by the municipality and managed by DUIN COTXERES DE BORBO S.A.

The ordinary hours of the Centre are from 7.00 to 23.00 from dilluns to divendres; Sat from 8.00 to 20.00 diumenge i festius from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Festius tancats: 1 and 6 of gender; divendres i dilluns sant; 25 and 26 December.


The centre compta amb:

  • SWIMMING POOL 25 X 14.5
  • PETITA POOL 8 X 14.5


Access to the facilities of the Cotxeres Borbó Municipal Sports Centre is available:

1. Els seus abonats.

2. Persons who participate in an organized activity.

3. Les persones que en fan un ús puntual pagt l’entrada.

4. Groups that carry out an organized activity.

5. Public assistants to competitions.

Access and the access of the users of the centre is the unique and exclusive location at the main entrance.

1. Subscription of the Municipal Sports Centre COTXERES DE BORBO

  • Ha d’accedir al centre pel lector digital amb polsera a qualsevol dels torniquets. A la sortida ha de fer la mateixa operació, també indiferentment a qualsevol dels torniquets.
  • You can access the swimming pool and the fitness room in a simple way and the activities incloses a la graella (s’ha de fer reserva a totes les activitats dirigides).

2. Non-subscriber students participating in directed activities

  • Infants under 6 years old have to be accompanied.
  • It is permet l’entrada al centre 15 minuts abans de l’inici de l’activitat i com a maxim 30 minuts després dels seu horari.
  • S’ha d’utilitzar el vestidor i l’espai reservat a l’activitat contractada (vestidors col·lectius).

3. People who are occasional fans of the centre.

Occasional entries:

  • Es venen sempre que l’aforament del centre ho permeti.
  • When paying the corresponding entrance fee, the payment ticket is rep.
  • The staff of attention to the user will learn the personal responsibilities of the specific users per raons de seguretat.
  • L’entrada dóna dret a l’ús lliure dels espais esportius i l’assistència a les activitats dirigides incloses en la graella d’abonaments.
  • Un cop abandonat el centre, no es potar volver a entrar amb el mateix tiquet.


  • S’ha d’abonar l’import corresponent a l’espai reservat abans d’entrar al centre.
  • It is permet l’entrada al centre 15 minuts abans de l’inicií de l’activitat i la sortida 30 minuts després de finalitzar-la.
  • Només es pot fer ús de l’espai reservat.

4. Groupthat carries out an organized activity

  • The head of the group always has to romandre with his players/students.
  • The person in charge of the group must accredit a personal identification document with a photo and name for reception and change the dressing room code. The clau, a final cop of the dressing room and when all the equipment left the centre, haurà de ser revuelada a reception.
  • S’han d’utilitzar els vestidors de grups designats.
  • In the cas d’equips that he competed in, in the training sessions it is permet the entrance to the center 15 minutes abans de l’inici de l’activitat i la sortida 30 minuts after finishing it. On the day of the competition it is allowed to enter 45 minutes to start the match and the draw to the 30 minutes of having finished.
  • In the cas de les lligues organitzades pel CEM COTXERES DE BORBO, it is allowed the entrance to the centre 15 minutes to start and it is necessary to draw 30 minutes after finishing.
  • In all cases, the dressing rooms must be used with the same name, buits and in a good state.


Abonat i usuaris amb mobilitat reduïda

  • Les persones amb mobilitat reduïda podran fer us de l’elevador. The clau will be at the disposal to receive.

Regulations for child subscribers under 14 years of age

Només poden assistir en els casos següents:

  • Assistència a cursets o activitats dirigida, prèvia inscripció, sempre que vagin acompanyats d’un adult (tutor o tècnic del Centre)
  • Quan vagin acompanyats d’un adult (major de 18 years), who is responsible for the minor. Sempre que es faci ús del centre tots dos han de romandre, necessàriament, a les mateixes dependències and/or a swimming pool.
  • From the 6 years they have to use the dressing room that corresponds to them.
  • S’habiliten uns vestidors familiars per a pares i mares amb fills i filles (consulteu horaris a recepció).


The COTXERES DE BORBO Municipal Sports Centre has a regulation of the same and a disciplinary regime that is applicable to all subscribers and users of the sports centre, as well as all the people who access the centre occasionally for the payment of the entrance fee or a space visit.

The interpretation and application or modification of this regulation is the faculty of the competent body of the centre’s seguiment.

L’ús indegut de les instal·lacions i d’incompliment del reglament poden ésser motiu d’expulsió temporal o definitiva. L’expulsió definitiva l’ha de decidir l’òrgan competent del seguiment del centre.


a) Payment of quotes

  • Registration at the centre is formalised at the offices of the Municipal Sports Centre or through the centre’s website.
  • The rebuts are charged in the first 5 days of each month in the banking rebut.
  • In cases of technical support for a space or service for maintenance and/or maintenance prices, the user does not have access to economic compensation.
  • Les quotes es revisan una vegada a l’any.

b) Collection of unpaid quotes

  • The return of a domicile will cause the loss of the condition of payment. Per tornar a recuper-la cal pagar l’import pendent. El gestor té la potestat de posar un recàrrec per les despeses generades per les devolucions en funció del cost requerit per l’entitat financera i demanar de nou els drets d’inscripció vigents.

c) Modification and Modifications

  • Les notificacions de baixa i les modificacions de les dades bancàries cal present-les abans del dia 20 (aquestinclòs) of the previous month. It is not farà cap returned if the baixa is communicated with a posterior.
  • The notification will be paid personally, or by electronic correspondence, in such a way that the request is registered with the symbol of the applicant, to whom it will be sent a confirmation of the request. These procedures are not able to be paid by telephone.
  • The change in the motivating quota for the modification of the family group is fared automatically, before notification to the interest.

d) Temporal Baixes

  • L’abonat pot sol·licitar la baixa temporal, i haurà d’abonar la quota aprovada sota aquesta tarifa.
  • Les baixes temporals mediques tindran una vigència concorde a l’informe mèdic que acrediti aquesta lesió, a partir de la qual l’abonat continua en actiu amb la quota anterior al succés.

e) Medical and Physical Activity Initiation Review (QIAF)

  • It is recommended to review a medical sport to initiate a physical activity and especially to the collection of people over 65 years of age.

f) Returns at home and activities

  • It is to return 50% of the import if the import is communicated 10 days before starting the activity and always that it continues to be harmful or harmful, previ justifint mèdic.

g) Reserva d’espais

  • The pavilion may be reserved for consultation of the availability of the mateix. En aquest cas tindran prioritat, per aquest ordre: entitats i equips que fan servir durant tota la temporada l’espai del pavelló amb un horari fix; subscribers of the centre; private users or collectives not subscribers to the centre.
  • L’ús del pavelló comportarà el corresponent pagament en el momento de fer la reserva, segons els preus públics establerts pel CEM Cotxeres de Borbó.

h) Altres

  • In the event of loss or deterioration of the dressing rooms of the pavilion, the corresponding import must be paid.
  • The users who make a bad use of the pavilion is responsible in the quality of the danys and defects that it is puguin to produce both the space of the pavilion and the dressing room area of the mateix.
  • In case of detecting any defect when initiating the activity, we must immediately notify the management of the centre.
  • En cas de pèrdua de la clau dels armariets de lloguer cal abonar-ne l’import a l’administració.
  • Suggeriments i queixes: els usuaris disposen From a book of internal registration of supplies and queixes to the reception of the centre. En rebrà resposta en el termini màxim de 15 dies.



S’entén per usuari/ària qualsevol natural or legal person who facilitates the installation of sport, in qualsevol modalitat or discipline, ja sigue de manera puntual o perllongada i sota qualsevol de les modalitats d’ús. Those persons who have a relationship to participate in or witness an event that has been carried out will also be obliged to comply with this regulation.


In order to acquire the condition of a subscriber, the person interested in making the payment of the corresponding public pension and providing the necessary personal responsibilities to the administration of the centre, in order to be able to process the registration.

Occasional or Temporary Usuaris

To acquire this condition, you only have to pay the price of the entrance or the payment provided, and provide the name and the official document that accredits it.

Users of Courses and/or Activities

To acquire the condition of a person enrolled in a course or activity, the corresponding application will be obtained and the person will be admitted according to the places foreseen and per ordre d’inscripció. When this cannot be done by the availability of places, you will be integrated into a waiting list for the presentation order, the effects of accessing the course or the activity at the moment that a vacancy or extension of places is produced, if possible.

Clubs, entitats i associacions esportives

They are those legal entities that are legally registered in the Registre d’entitats esportives de la Generalitat and/or in the Registre d’Entitats de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Centres docents

Educational centres for primary and secondary schools with special schools.


Associacions culturals i/o socials la finalitat bàsica de les quals no sugui la pràctica fisicoesportiva ni el foment de l’activitat física/l’esport, però que portin a terme activitats fisicoesportives per als seus associats i associades, així com els grups informals d’usuaris/àries que ho sol·licitin. The regime of authority of the installations will be the foreseen for individual users, the management entity may demand the relationship of the people who in faran ús com a integrants d’aquest grup.


a) To access the installation and carry out the physical-sports activities in the established hours and for the purpose of which it is accredited to be authorized.

b) To use the services of sports installations.

c) To formulate claims, queixes and suggeriments in relation to the service, according to the procedure that has been established and to recover the complaints or claims within 15 working days from the date of the presentation.

d) Request information on the operation or management of the installations, as well as on programmes and sports activities.

f) To exercise the rights of access, rectification and cancellation, in accordance with that determined by Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Nature.

g) To know the characteristics of the installations. With this finality, the CEM COTXERES BORBO will keep the channels of information related to the main characteristics updated.

h) Obtain the centre’s operating regulations through the website


a) Fer un bon ús de les instal·lacions esportives, respectar-les i cuidar-les, així com el mobiliari i qualsevol altre element que hi haci instal·lat.

b) Show the staff at the service of the installations of the authority to use them, at the time of access and at any time in which the demand is made.

c) Collaborate in the maintenance of the installation network i, with this purpose, fer ús de les papereres i dels vessels higgiènics que hi ha.

g) Respect the hours of operation.

h) To follow the indications and instructions provided by the service personnel.

i) It is advisable to notify the personnel who provide services of the alterations of functioning, the defects or the deficiencies in the operation of the installation.

j) To treat with respect to the subtraction of users and users and the personnel who work.

k) Respect and care for the furniture, the sports material, the gardens and the arbrat.

l) To pay punctually the taxes and/or public prices established for each service or space for each specific modality of the sport.

m) Carry out the sports practice with the material and clothing suitable for each type of installation.

n) Abandon the installation when they do not comply with the regulations and refuse to rectify the conduct. In this regard, the staff of the facility shall be able to expel any person or entity that does not comply with the regulations in force, general or specific, which is included as non-permesa or as obligatory for each space, in accordance with the present regulations and with the rest of the legal regulations that followed their application.

o) Provide the necessary responsibilities to acquire the status of user of the facilities or the condition of person enrolled in a course or activity.

p) It is not possible to tax images or sons.

q) It is not pot fer entrenaments amb personal aliè.

r) It is not potto smoking, nor is it drinking.

s) It is not possible to access glass containers.

t) Do not use the mobile phone in the course of directed activities.


a) Designate, davant the management of the CEM Cotxeres Borbó i per escrit, the person who represents the entitat als efectes d’elaboration of the plan of uses for each season or period.

b) To subscribe to and maintain the validity of the civil liability insurance policies that charge the activities that have to be carried out and the persons who participate, both practitioners with the public assistent, if they are involved.

c) To communicate, with the necessary urgency, any incidence derived from the activities that are produced during the seva permanència in the facility.

d) Use the installation for the purpose determined in the agreement of utilitization and according to the calendar provided for in the plan of uses.

h) Respect the name of the users and users of the agreement with the communication made at the time of the authorization.

i) Request express authorisation from the CEM Cotxeres Borbó to modify the conditions of the two previous sections.

j) Adopt the necessary measures so as not to interfere with the hours and the activities of the rest of users and users of the facilities.


a) To access the installation, the user will identify in the way that it is established, and to use the access control systems that exist in each centre.

b) The hours of the overture and tancament of the installations will be exposed to the reception.

c) Users must adjust to the days and hours of opening and tancament of the installations and the days and periods of annual establishments.

d) In the event of reaching the maximum capacity, the CEM reserves the right to take access to the installation, space or different activities.

e) Punctual entries only allow a single access to the installation; No es podrà sortir i tornar a entrar un cop s’hagi accedit a l’espai.

f) In the activities of the group that is in charge of the installations, the person in charge of the participants will show the person in charge of the control of access to the installation, the his/her ID or accreditation document, in order to be able to access the dressing rooms and the rest of the sports space. Per obtenir les claus dels espais que s’hagin d’utilitzar, la persona responsable haurà de dipositar un document identificatiu, que li serà retornat una vegada lliurades les claus a la sortida.

g) In centres with swimming pools, Decree 95/2000 of the Department of Health and Social Security of the Generalitat de Catalunya indicates that children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. L’adult haurà d’estar en el mateix espai que el menor i vetllarà pel seu bon comportament.


a) The remainder of persons who have access to the installations will have to accredit them with the entry into the different Spains.

b) Users and users may not access installations with vehicles, skateboards, roller skates, bicycles or similar, or with equipment that is not intended for the sporting practice for which they are authorized, take those persons who do not need reduced mobility in accordance with the degree of disability. Electric scooters and folding bikes can access the installation but they have to be used for parking.

c) It is not permet l’entrada d’animals, llevat dels gossos pigall.



a) It is not possible to carry out caps canvi in the services and/or spaniards that are included in the plan of uses, if it is not available to the prior authority of the CEM Cotxeres Borbó.

b) By the users and users of the entities alienated to the CEM Cotxeres Borbó who have been installed in some way, they must respect the hours granted and may not use the forum of the authorized time.

c) It is not permet to occupy the space on its developing activities, or to interfere. Tampoc es permet ocupar espais lliures sense autorització prèvia dels responsables de les instal·lacions. It is not permet l’ús lliure de les salts d’activitats i salts polivalents, if it is not a tracta d’activitats directed and/or supervised by technical personnel.

d) The specific regulations relating to each space must be respected and the maximum amount provided for each facility.


a) With regard to the material that does not follow the installation, hygiene and safety measures cannot be used, except for that material supervised by the person responsible for the space.

b) Users are responsible for the sports material they use, and they will return to their place in a cup they have used.

c) Each sports entity is responsible for the sports material it uses. Així mateix, les entitats hauran de respectar l’ordre dels magatzems del material esportiu i tenir-lo ordenat i guardat en l’espai assignat.

d) The trainer or the person responsible for each entity is responsible for the control of the material used for activities. It is also responsible that, once the activity is completed, the installation, the material and the space is used in conditions of being used again.

h) Any damage caused by the installation or the material due to the damage shall be the responsibility of the person who causes it, subsidiarily, of the entity to which it belongs, if that person is not involved in the installation as part of a group. Les despeses de reparació aniran a càrrec del declarat responsable.


a) The users shall maintain the net and the order of all the installation, equipment and sports material, as well as a respective behaviour in the personnel and the rest of the people that they have presented.

b) It must be used in respect of the maximum all the elements of the installation and the specific rules of the installation: fer bon ús de los papereres, deixar el vestidors en bones condicions per a las persones que vendran later, etc.

c) To respect the rules and councils of the staff of the sports facility.

d) In general, it is not permet to carry out the action that alters the public order or the normal and peaceful coexistence of users.

e) For the use of sports space, users and users have the obligation to change the sabates of the career and to serve exclusive and appropriate sports activity, així com de portar roba esportiva. It is not possible to be physically active with career theft. It is obligatory to take the tovallola to the fitness room and to the directed activity rooms

f) It is obligatory to always use the dressing rooms per canviar-se de roba. It is not permet de fer-ho en cap altra dependència de la instal·lació.

g) S’aconsella does not bring objects of value to the installation, since the management is not responsible for the objects lost or oblidats.


a) Es recomanable una revisió mèdica prèvia per al cas que es vulgui iniciar una activitat esportiva. In all cases, it will be the exclusive responsibility of the user to have an incident that is due to the motive of health care for a possible malaltia or for the reality of an overexertion during sports practice.

b) The CEM Cotxeres Borbó is available to users, during the period of the opening of the installations, technical personnel who can assess them on the best way of physical activity.

c) It is advisable to have an additional escalation when you start physical activity and finish it, exercicis d’estirament and relaxation to return to calm, when you want to go to sleep. En tot cas, serà responsabilidad única de la persona usuària qualsevol tipus de lesió provocada per una mala pràctica.

d) During the sessions, it is recommended to hydrate yourself, sovint, petites quantitats d’aigua.

e) It is recommended not to menjar des dues hores abans de fer exercici.

f) To the sessions directed, to follow the councils of the technical staff and to consult the question of what is pugui tenir.


a) In each of the centres of the CEM Cotxeres Borbó farà pubblic, for each space, the quadre d’horaris d’activitats programades d’acord amb el pla d’usos, and it will be obligatory to respect it.

b) The CEM Cotxeres Borbó, under the management of the centre, reserves the right to modify and/or cancel the hours of use of the installations when the circumstances are required to require. Totes les activitats començaran i acabaran segons l’horari previst, i no es permetrà amplia-lo si, per qualsevol incidència, l’activitat ha començat més tard.

c) Access to directed sessions must be indicated at the right time. Transcorreguts 10 minuts des de l’inici de la sessió, no s’hi permetrà l’accés.

d) It is not permet, in capcas, to carry out particular courses or technical assessment at a particular level to the sports facilities, except for the personal trainer service of the facility.


a) The CEM Cotxeres Borbó is not responsible for the objects available to the armariets, it is also responsible for the objects lost or oblidats to the installations.

b) The objects lost that s’hagin pogut recollir will be available to users for 7 days. Transcorregut aquest termini, the person responsible for the installation will destroy or donate to non-governmental organisations.

c) It is not a collection or keep sabons, body creams, or interior theft.


L’ús dels armariets és un servei que ofereix el CEM Cotxeres Borbó perquè los usuaris de la instal·lació puguin hi els efectes personals mentre duen a terme l’activitat fisicoesportiva. En cap cas es un servei de consigna. Hi ha dos tipus d’armariets als centres del CEM Cotxeres Borbó:

Punctual armariets – at the disposal of people who use a temporary form, or use a chain.

a) At the end of the activity or stay at the facility, the user will have to use the installation of the facility, the user will be able to use the facility.

b) Each day, at the end of the opening hours of the installations, the responsible personnel will remove the files that are not available and the objects that have become part of the condition. The CEM Cotxeres Borbó is not farà càrrec de l’escandall trencat per alliberar l’armariet.

Armariets de lloguer – són els que les persones usuàries poden llogar per un perríode determinat de temps, previ pagament de la taxa corresponent, i són d’ús propi durant aquestrode.


a) S’aconsella to keep the bossa, the roba and the sabates dins l’armariet. For hygienic reasons, the Sabbaths are to keep protected with a plastic mask.

b) In cases of loss of the clau or problems with the bread, please notify the reception of the centre. En cas de pèrdua de la clau o altre element de tancament, s’abonarà la taxa corresponent a la seva reposició.

c) It is recommended not to deixar-hi objects of value, but the CEM Cotxeres Borbó is not far responsible for the contingut in cases of loss or theft.

The CEM Cotxeres Borbó reserves the right to check the contingut of all the armariets quan ho estimi convenient per motius de seguretat de les instal·lacions i de la resta de persones usuàries o quan es presumeixi, in a phonamented way, la seva utilització indeguda.


a) The information panels, the televisions and the website are the spaces intended for the dissemination and communication of the functioning of the CEM Cotxeres Borbó and the activities that are fans.

b) The heads of the CEM Cotxeres Borbó will manage the content of the website and the different information panels and this effect will determine the criteria of the users and the assignació of the products, and may be able to determine the type of modification of the agreement with the existing needs.

c) It is not permet to col·locar cap element de comunicació, diffusió, cartell ni publicitat fora dels espais adients i assignats en cada plafó sense l’autorització dels responsables del CEM Cotxeres Borbó.


For the purposes of Organic Law 10/1995 of 23 November, on the civil protection of honour, of the intimation and of the image itself, the gravation of images (photographs, films, etc.) of which type is treated as follows:

a) The CEM Cotxeres Borbó in order to guarantee the interests of users establishes that it is not possible to register images or so, in the Spanish sports and complementary spaces to the public, the figure of the spectator, as a general rule.

b) Davant de requeriments concrets d’enregistrament dins dels espais esportius tancats s’haurà de realitzar una sol·licitud per escrit que anirà acompanyada de l’autorització de la persona a ser enregistrament o del seucanal/a. The request will be made up of the will not to print or publish the images in cases that have three people who do not donate the express will for the filming.

c) In the case of the Spanish open sports of the CEM, Cotxeres Borbó will promote the informative character of the norm and its exemption from the existing responsibility between users.

d) With regard to the activities of open transport carried out at the facility, inform the users, since in this case it will operate as a space.


The Directorate of the Centre guarantees all users:

  • The correct maintenance of the Spanish space with the material and sports equipment
  • The presence of permanent sports technicians / lifeguards in the fitness room and swimming pool
  • El servei d’assessorament i seguiment als abonats
  • Punctuality and quality in the initiation of directed activities


The court technician shall limit or prohibit the performance of those exercicis that it considers to be inappropriate, perilous or doubtful reality that affects the safety of the user or other users, or that seeks to deteriorate the equipment or the material.

Hours: Dilluns to Divendres from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Surf from 8 to 20 hours

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


a) Access to the Fitness Room to people under 14 years of age. Persons with 14 and 15 years may use the cardiovascular machines, and always with the supervision of the technician.

b) Not of the technical councils, nor of the rules of the Chamber.

c) Entering the room with motxilles or bosses.

d) Carrying water or begudes in containers that do not follow hermetics and that are puguin trencar.

e) Monopolizing the different seasons, or keeping batches.

f) Exceeding the time of work marked for cardiovascular machines.

g) Use indoor cycling sabates.


a) Dur una tovallola per usar-la en les màquines o els matalassos. I, per motius d’higiene, eixugar la màquina quan s’hagi fet servir.

b) Portar roba i calçat esportiu adequat. It is not considered that ho seguin: les xancletes, les sabates amb plataforma, els banyadors or els pantalons texans. It’s not possible to enter with the tors nu.

c) Cedir l’ús de l’aparell quan fa una pausa de recuperació entre sèries.

d) Return to the cellar the material that is used, in order to provide the rest of the users of the room.


a) Fer un escalfament general, amb exercicis aeròbics i d’estiraments durant 10-15 minuts.

b) Consult the technical staff of the room to assess the work in accordance with the objectives and needs of each child, or to clarify any doubt related to the healthy and responsible practice of physical exercise.


Hours: Dilluns to Divendres from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Surf from 8 to 20 hours

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


a) Access to activities for children under 14 years of age. Les persones amb 14 i 15 anys només podran fer activitats dirigides sense pes.

b) Access the room passats 10 minutes of the initiation of activity or when you reach the maximum of the activity. Cadascuna de les activitats té un nombre màxim de placció de las possibilitats d’aforament de la sala i de la qualitat docent. Cada centre esportiu determinà els criteris d’accés en cas d’overbooking.

c) Individual or collective use in the sense of the presence of a technician.


a) Dur roba esportiva adequada per a fer les activitats dirigides. The tors must be covered and the sabatilles cannot come from the street. Es desconsellen les sabates amb plataforma. Es recomana dur roba còmoda si l’activitat a fer així ho requereix. Està prohibit calçat amb sola que marqui.

b) Dur una tovallola de mà per a posar damunt de les màrfegues, en cas que se n’utilitzin.

c) Dur the water or the begudes in hermetic and unbreakable containers.

d) Return to the cellar the material that s’hagi uses.

e) Deixar qualsevol motxilla o bossa fora de la sala.


a) Follow the instructions of the technical staff and inform them of any injury, pain, pain or doubt that they may have in relation to the activity that they may have.

b) To ensure that the level of difficulty of the session is appropriate to the current physical level.

c) Fer les sessions fins at the end, do not forget the work of estiraments and relaxation.

d) Hydrate during the time dedicated to sports practice.

* TheCEM Cotxeres Borbó reserves the right to modify, change or eliminate any activity, in the event of the need of the Barcelona City Council itself.


Hours: Dilluns to Divendres from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Surf from 8 to 20 hours

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


a) Access to activity for children under 14 years of age.

b) Users of 14 years of age may participate in indoor cycling classes of less intensity and under the supervision of the technician.

c) Access the room passats 10 minutes of the initiation of activity or when you arrive at the maximum of the activity.

d) The use of the room when it does not do programmed activity in the sense of the technical authority.


a) Dur roba esportiva adequada per a fer l’activitat. The tors must be covered and the sabatilles cannot come from the street. Es desconsellen les sabates amb plataforma o amb sola molt prima.

b) Dur una tovallola de mà per assecar-se la suor.

c) Netejar la suor de les bicicletes i del terra.

d) Flow the caragols of the seient and the handlebars when they do the activity.

e) Dur the water or the begudes in hermetic and unbreakable containers.

f) Deixar qualsevol motxilla o bossa fora de la sala.


a) Follow the instructions of the technical staff and inform them of any injury, pain, pain or doubt that they may have in relation to the activity that they may have.

b) Adjust the bicycles to the start of our extremitates.

c) Fer les sessions fins at the end, do not forget the work of estiraments and relaxation.

d) Hydrate-be continuous, fins i tot abans de tintació sensació de set.


Hours: Dilluns to Divendres from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Surf from 8 a.m. to 7.40 p.m.

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 1.40 p.m.


a) Minors under 14 years of age must enter the company of an adult (according to the Order of 31-5-1960 of the Ministry of the Interior) who are responsible, excepte si participen d’un curset. L’adult haurà d’estar en el mateix espai que el menor i vetllarà pel seu bon comportament.

b) Access to children under 2 months of age, per health qüestions.

c) To access or subtract from the pool space or to wear a race dress.

d) Use of sabó cap tipus or creams to the swimming pool and common area of the waters.

e) Perform perillosa cap activitat or jocs that comportin risc fissic.

f) The practice of freediving is not allowed.

g) The use of the pool equipment is the permit. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to return the material used to the soil.

h) To recollect or repent to the southerners.

i) L’ús d’ulleres o objectes de vidre facil esmicolables.

j) Smoking or drinking in the pool area.

k) The recreational and/or inflatable float us.

l) Swimming pool to any person who sensed an open injury and/or infectious disease.


a) Dur rubber sabatilles netes, bany cap and banyador. It is forbidden to carry a roba interior to the banyador.

b) Dutxar-se abans d’entrar al piscina.

c) Follow the rule of swimming on the lanes, swimming on the right of the lane and on the left side.

d) Swimming pool users must respect the spaces intended for different activities and the indicated cards of slow, mig or fast lane.

e) Any user of the swimming pool with any dysfunction, injury, heart disease or epilèptic type, should not come sun, or must not inform the technician or lifeguard of the introduction to the water.

f) That the nadons enter the water with special bolquers.


a) Do not last type of joie or bijuteria while it is resti to the pool recess. In cases of loss or deterioration, the installation is not responsible for the type of object, in addition to representing a risk of injury to the user itself that carries them and for the rest.


Hours: Dilluns to Divendres from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Surf from 8 a.m. to 7.40 p.m.

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 1.40 p.m.


a) Comply with the indications and technical councils.

b) Dur bany cap and banyador.

c) Abans d’entrar a l’aigua és obligatori dutxar-se.

d) That users who suffer from or suffer from any cardiac, respiratory, epileptic, infectious-contagious or other characteristic diseases must consult their patients with the following conditions.


a) Use cap tipus de sabó, gel or creams.

b) Children under 16 years of age are not allowed to enter.

c) Per a persones que pateixen malalties infectcioses o hemorràgies de qualsevol tipus


a) To use hydromassatge to all people who have rheumatism, refredats lleus, fatigue and stress.

b) It is not recommended to be less than 10 minutes, and in cases they may exceed 20 minutes.

c) Rest for a few minutes before the use of the seva use.

d) Consult the lifeguard of the swimming pool in cases of dyeing qualsevol dubte.


a) Per a persones amb arterial hypertension or hypotensive.

b) Per a persones que pateix en diabetis.

c) For the embaràs and for a person with various products.

d) In the event of complying with any of the conditions that are necessary and must be consulted with the patient.


Hours: Dilluns to Divendres from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Surf from 8 a.m. to 7.40 p.m.

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 1.40 p.m.


a) It is obligatory to comply with the indications and technical councils.

b) To the Sauna and Steam Bath Recient have to last rubber sabatilles netes, banyador and tovallola to avoid direct contact with the replacement elements.

c) Abans del seu ús és obligatori dutxar-se.


a) It is not allowed to use a type of saunes, gel or creams to the saunas, steam baths and to the common rest area. També està prohibit l’ús de guants de crill o d’altres elements d’exfoliació. Així com afaitar-se o depilar-se en aquestes zones.

b) It is not possible to bid on the benches with Saturdays.

c) It is absolutely forbidden to go to the dry sauna and the steam bath.

d) Children under 16 years of age are not allowed to enter.

e) It is not allowed to smoke or drink.

f) No està permès portar joies ni objectes metàl·lics per risc de cremades.

g) For people with various problems, arterial hypertension, heart problems, pressure disorders, epilypsy, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, acute infections, kidney failure, severe bronchial malaltia, edemes, anèmic stats, with dermatitis, or vasodilation problems.


a) Consult the technical staff of the swimming pool in the event of having a quality of life.

b) It is advisable to hydrate during the moments foreseen or immediately after the healing of the saunes, always and when the glass does not continue and it is easy to use the cures of the glasses and bags.

c) It is not recommended to be less than 10 minutes, and in caps it is possible to exceed 20 minutes.

d) Recommend that davant de qualsevol signe o simtoma de trobar-se malament, immediately notify the staff of the centre.


a) Per a l’embaràs o per a les persones que vulguin que-se-en estat.

b) To gifts with menstruation.

c) Enter the sauna amb molta gana o amb l’estómac molt ple.

d) Entrar amb un estat de molt esgotament.

e) Per a persones que hagin estat operades recentment.

f) In the event of complying with any of the conditions they were required to consult a metge.


Hours: : Dilluns to Divendres from 7 to 23 hours

Surf from 8 to 20 hours

Diumenge from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Directorate of the Centre guarantees all users:

  • Servei de neteja i desinfectció diari
  • Armariets per a dipositar roba i objectes personals
  • Hair dryers
  • Dutxes, lavabos i vestiuaris adaptats a persones amb mobilitat reduïda



a) To veto for its maintenance and to deixate them in the conditions for subsequent users.

b) Dutxar-se en el temps strictment necessari i fer un consum responsable de l’aigua.

c) Fer us de l’espai dins la zona de dutxes per assecar-se, així com també per escórrer l’equip de bany.

d) Do not deixar envases al terra de les dutxes, ni embolcalls, ni restes de sabó o qualsevol altre objecte.

e) Deixar lliure l’armariet in abandoning the installation. Cada nit es procedirà a buidar-los per netejar-los. Els objects that hi hagin passed to Attention to the User, the owner will have a month per a recol-los.

f) That children under 6 years of age are canviïn with their companion in the dressing room.


a) To eat or smoke.

b) Introduir-hi objectes de vidre o de qualsevol altre material que pugui esclatar o trencar en bocinets petits.

c) It is forbidden to practice that affects health such as waxing, waxing, dyeing, manicuring or pedicure, etc.

d) Rent the sabatilles, banyadors or qualsevol tipus de roba per motius d’higiene.


a) It is recommended to serve sabatilles.

b) A cop fet to serve the armariet, remembering to close the door in order to avoid accidents.

c) The CEM Cotxeres Borbó is not responsible for the objects available in the dressing rooms and armariets.

d) Children aged 6 years who participate in activities in the company of an adult, will have to work in the dressing room corresponding to their sex.

e) Children of 6 years in endavant who use the group dressers, if they have to work with them, will accompany them.


Hours: Dilluns a Divendres from 10 to 20 hours with a prèvia appointment

Els serveis d’estètica i salut no estan inclosos en la quota d’abonat. The conditions have to consult directly with the company that carries out this service.


a) Be punctual and arrive at the requested time.

b) Notify the time in case of not being able to attend at the reserved time.


a) To take care of body hygiene.

b) In the first few years, you visit the Health Services for all those medical reports, x-rays, analysis of the injury or molesia that is considered appropriate to donate a million services.


a) Els abonaments tenen validesa per un temps limitat. Un cop caducats, no se’n podrà fer ús i no es tindrà dret a cap devolució.

b) The payment of the service is far-fetched in metal or card a final cop here, always and when it is not then obligatory to pay for progress. En el cas dels abonaments, aquests s’hauran de fer efectius en el momento de realitzar el primer servei.


See the specific regulations approved by the pavilion in July 2016.


Not to conform to the conditions set out in this normative constitueix incompliment. Els incompliments es qualificaran en lleus, greus i molt greus.

6.1. Incompliments lleus:

a) Not to conform to the conditions set forth in the regulations relating to the use of installations, furniture, etc., when they do not behave in damages to these, which do not represent mistreatment, or lack respect for persons, or supplant other persons.

b) Not complying with the plan of uses and/or the hours of operation of the installations.

c) Not following the instructions and indications of the service personnel in relation to the correct installations and the operation of the activities.

d) Not to comply with the conditions established as obligatory in the specific regulations of the different Spanish sports and elements of the installations.

f) The subtraction of the conditions of those contained in these Regulations and that are not typified as incompliments greus or molt greus.

g) The relapse of three fouls for one year will entail a criminal foul.

6.2. Incompliments greus:

a) Not to comply with the conditions set out in the Regulations relating to the espais esportius, to the bon ús de les instal·lacions, mobiliariari, etc., quan comportin danys a aquests.

b) Uncivil behaviour to the rest of users and/or to the personnel who provide services to the facilities.

c) Refusing to leave the facility, when the staff requires, because they have not complied with the regulations and in cases of emergency and/or simulation.

d) Use the installation, individually, for the purposes different from those who have granted the authority.

h) Not to comply with the plan of uses and/or the hours of operation of the installations that have affected the rest of users or the service.

i) Use the installations per part of a collection with different people and/or activities different from those that appear in the list that the heads of the centre have.

j) To agree to the installations with the authorisation or accreditation of another person.

k) Not complying with the regulations on access to minors in facilities.

l) Els incompliments que causin danys greus a les instal·lacions, perjudicis greus a altres usuaris o pertorbin greument la marxa dels serveis i que no es trobin qualificades de molt greus.

m) Recidivism in incompliments lleus is also considered incompliment greu.

n) The relapse of three Greek faults for one year will entail a molt greu foul.

6.3. Incompliments molt greus

a) Insults, threats and/or aggressions to the rest of users and/or to the staff who provide services in the facilities.

b) Utilitzar la instal·lació per a activitats col·lectives diferents d’aquelles per a les quals s’ha concedit l’autorrització.

c) Utilitzar les instal·lacions esportives per a finalitats diferents a les esportives, sense l’autorització corresponent.

d) During the activities prohibited in this Regulation, when these are still likely to generate an economic return.

e) Els incompliments quan causin danys greus a les instal·lacions, perjudicis greus a altres usuaris/usuàries o pertorbin greument la marxa dels serveis.

f) Relapse into incompliments greus is considered incompliment molt greu.

6.4. Mesures a aplicar per incompliment de les condicions d’ús, competència en l’aplicació i prescripció de les mateixes.

1. Not conforming to the conditions of the CEM Cotxeres Borbó per part of the user will lead to the adoption of the following measures:

a) Incompliments lleus: comunicació per escrit, expulsió temporarito de les instal·lacions for a period of one day to one month.

b) Incompliments greus: communication per escrit, suspension of the right to entry into the installations for a period of one month at the end of an year.

c) Incompliments molt greus: suspension of the condition of the user, for a period of one year in the same way, així com resplenar els danys econòmics que generi a la instal·lació.

2 . L’expulsió de les instal·lacions, o qualsevol altra mesura encaminada a garantir la seguretat i l’ordre en el Servei, podrà ser acordada per qualsevol dels responsables dels centres o per qualsevol treballador de les instal·lacions en cas d’absència d’aquests, sens perjudici de poder proposar al director del centre l’adopció de les altres mesures previstes en aquest article. L’expulsió de les instal·lacions tindrà caràcter immediat i la seva durada afectarà a la resta de la jornada en què es produeixi el fet que motiva l’aplicació d’aquesta mesura.

3. The duration of the applicable measure shall be determined, in accordance with the principle of proportionality, taking into account the intentionality in the performance of the interest, the nature of the damage caused, the reiteration and the recurrence.

4. The director of the centre may arbitrate the necessary precautionary measures to ensure compliance with the conditions of the installation, to the detriment of the competence of the coordinators and, in all cases, must be confirmed by this.

5. The measures that are foreseen in this article will apply to the detriment of disciplinary actions, civil or penal that correspond to the current legislation.

6. The Barcelona City Council and the board of DUIN COTXERES DE BORBO S.A. will be informed of the sanctions imposed on possible infractions of the regulations of use.

6.5. Responsabilitats

The following shall be directly responsible for the infringements of this Regulation:

a) The persons who are the material authors of the infractions, continue to act or omission, three of the cases that are still minor or that they run in some legal cause of inimputability. In these cases, the peers, the seas, the guardians, the guardians or those persons who have custody or legal guardianship will respond.

b) The entities or persons responsible for the user, when the offender realizes the activity forming part of a collective, will also be responsible for the infringements that the person realizes.

c) The persons entitled to authorisations or licences, when, on the basis of the exercise of a right that has been granted, they commit one of the specific infringements in these Regulations.

The declaration of responsibility for infringement and the application of the corresponding measure will not avoid, in capcas, the obligation to indemnify the damages and damages causes.

6.6. Procediment, garanties i terminis.

a) Sanctions may not be imposed in the preliminary investigation of a file.

b) The Technical Management Commission of the equipment is competent to initiate the file of the office or the instància de qualsevol part; A acultte escortar will write a report in which he will detail the budget of the FET and the resolution of the file, in a maximum term of 10 days.

c) Exceptionally, and when it is still necessary to guarantee the normal development of the activities or, in the event that it is necessary to deduct prejudice from the environment, as a precautionary measure, in initiating a disciplinary proceeding or at any time during the investigation, the Technical Management Commission may agree to suspend the assistance of the training or parties or access to the installations for a period not exceeding that of the resolution of the file.

d) The Technical Management Commission shall initiate the actions it deems pertinent in order to draw up the plec de càrrecs or to be dismissed and, in the case of the incriminated persons and in the case of peers or legal representatives and of the coach as long as those who are still minors of the age, who may present the legations, justifications and proves that they deem pertinent.

e) The resolution of the file must be produced within the maximum period of one month from the date of the sixth month. A menos que causes justificades determinades per la complexitat de la instrucció així ho requereixin. En posterioritat serà ratificat per la Comissió de Seguiment/Equipament.

f) The notification of the resolutions to the interests is written in more than a half certified or electronic correu.

g) Against this resolution, it is possible to interpose recurs potestatiu de reposició en el termini d’un mes davant el mateix òrgan que l’ha dictat or, directament, recurs d’alçada, que exhaureix la vía administrativa, davant la Regidoria competent. Amb l’advertiment que contra la resolució d’aquest darrer recurs només resta presentar recurs contenciós administratiu davant els Jutjats Contencions Administratius en el termini de dos mesos, ambdós a comptar des de l’endemà de la recepció de la seva notificació.


Els centres Duin reserves the right to invite subscribers and non-subscribers with the purpose of facilitating access to the sports centre to people who are not subscribers of this service. Per a fer ús d’aquestes invitacions haurà d’atendre’s a:

  • Each Duin centre will decide the motivation for the release of the invitations according to the commercial policy itself, so that it is possible to maintain these motives indefinitely in the time.
  • Sempre que el centre ho permeti, a user may cancel the invitation if he has not been able to do so in the last one.
  • Les invitacions no puede ser usades per ex abonats que portin de baixa menys d’1 any o be tinguin alguna rebut pendent.
  • L’ús d’una invitació permet a l’usuari accedir durant 1 dia al centre esportiu i fer ús dels mateixos serveis i activitats dels abonats amb quota total. En cap cas inclourà serveis com a cursos, entrenaments personals, serveis d’estètica, serveis de salut,…
  • L’ús d’una invitació implies permetre el tractament de les dades personals de l’usuari i la seva acceptació del conditionat administratiu.
  • Amb l’ús de les invitacions, l’usuari accepta ser coneixedor dels riscos implícits que l’exercici físic pot tenir per a la salut i exonera a l’empresa de qualsevol responsabilitat per danys i lesions.
  • The Management of each Duin centre may modify this policy for the benefit of the comfort of the subscribers themselves.

Aprovat at the session of the Comissió de Seguiment / d’Equipament on June 30, 2022